
Do you have to face challenges such as deadline pressure, project implementation, resource coverage, customer and user satisfaction, efficiency, performance, quality and heavy pressure on your budget?

We take responsibility.
Down to the last detail.
Sharing in your success is what drives us.


… is ResultONE’s preferred approach to solving difficult tasks and can be applied in a wide range of areas. On the basis of an analysis of the current situation, Act2Perform© helps to identify predetermined target corridors and relevant scenarios, potential, opportunities and risks. Possible actions, specific measures and priorities are developed on that basis.

Act2Perform© can be applied equally to short-term, medium-term and long-term perspectives, while still focusing on the here and now (“quick wins”): Achieving initial successes quickly confirms the methods chosen and acts as an additional motivating factor.


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Act2Perform© combines effective basic processes with topic-specific extensions which have been developed on the basis of many years of experience and are available for a wide range of applications. Our customers can draw on an extensive pool of expertise and broad experience in a wide range of areas.

Project-based tasks usually go through the entire Act2Perform© process. Individual phases and process elements, such as ongoing monitoring of achievements, periodic packages covering specific topics, capacities, etc. can also be accessed on a recurring “as a service” basis.

Act2Perform©: the cooperative approach

On the basis of joint analysis, the customer and ResultONE work out common solutions and recommended actions.

Act2Perform<© is configured individually to meet specific needs.

Double Act2Perform©: the competitive approach

Double Act2Perform© is an extension of the cooperative approach: the customer and ResultONE come up with separate draft proposals and then combine them.


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Act2Perform© brings in perspectives from outside and can help to deal with the issues you face. Success together!

But Act2Perform© can do a lot more: the Act2Perform© model also includes tools such as the “First aid box” and “Helping you to help yourself”. In the context of specific training courses and workshops, we offer our customers various support packages and help them to help themselves.