IT management and organization

We advise on all management topics for IT organizations, i.e. both IT management and organization and the associated technical, content-related tasks.

In the context of our support for IT management and organization topics, we provide assistance with tasks such as

  • optimization of IT organization and processes
  • operational excellence
  • sourcing (outsourcing/outtasking)
  • IT transformation
  • nearshoring/offshoring
  • management of IT investments, make-or-buy decisions
  • project/portfolio management
  • business process support
  • identification and exploitation of optimization potential
  • IT strategy
  • IT governance
  • positioning of IT in the company, appreciation of IT services
  • risk management
  • claims management
  • quality management
  • compliance
  • data & security management
  • Emergency Preparedness, Business Continuity Management
  • Blackout precaution

We are also happy to provide support for the implementation of all topics on which we give advice!

Success Stories

ResultONE already has a proven track record of solving – sometimes very challenging – tasks together with customers and to their satisfaction. Below are some examples of tasks that have been completed successfully in brief outline, in some cases with a focus on solutions in specific areas. In agreement with our customers, we have decided not to provide any references or project names.

In many cases, Act2Perform© has made a crucial contribution to a successful solution!


Blackout preparation: What happens if something happens? (Multiple clients)

Targeted preparation for crisis situations safeguards the company and, in the event of an incident, brings decisive advantages in dealing correctly with special situations such as a long-term blackout
CIO Support

Supporting and coaching the CIO of a medium-sized industrial company

Supporting the fulfillment of "IT homework" brought significant relief to the new CIO, whose focus on particularly challenging issues led to an overall improvement in the acceptance of IT and its position in the company
Security Assessments

Implementation of integrated security assessments (multiple clients)

It was possible to sustainably reduce cyberattack threats and ensure compliance with the necessary data protection requirements through IT security reviews, clean risk analyses and the effective, resulting data and IT security concepts as well as measures
Customer Security Management

Development and establishment of customer security management

The establishment of customer-specific Customer Security Managers is an essential element in the expansion and intensification of the customer orientation of a major IT service provider
Successful TechStartup

Professionalization of a technology startup

Introduction and establishment of integrated product management, quality management and customer and service management were essential elements in the development of a technology start-up into an established solution provider
Performance Optimization

Load and performance tuning of a large corporate suite

Significant performance improvements can be achieved through targeted, intensive collaboration between vendors, the DevOps team and the outsourcing provider. In the example shown, the processing times were halved despite a doubling of data volumes!

Consolidation of telephone systems

The basis for new, future-proof voice communication solutions was created by consolidating heterogeneous telephone landscapes

Security assessments (multiple clients)

Regular IT security reviews, proper risk analysis and - based on these results - focused data and IT security concepts and measures help to reduce the threats of cyber attacks and ensure compliance with relevant data protection requirements.

Optimization of IT deployment under difficult budgetary conditions

A focus of IT provision on absolute necessities coordinated across the company and simultaneous measures to reduce technical complexity and increase efficiency and effectiveness succeeded in making significant improvements to the deployment of IT resources