We advise on all management topics for IT organizations, i.e. both IT management and organization and the associated technical, content-related tasks.
In the context of our support for IT management and organization topics, we provide assistance with tasks such as
- optimization of IT organization and processes
- operational excellence
- sourcing (outsourcing/outtasking)
- IT transformation
- nearshoring/offshoring
- management of IT investments, make-or-buy decisions
- project/portfolio management
- business process support
- identification and exploitation of optimization potential
- IT strategy
- IT governance
- positioning of IT in the company, appreciation of IT services
- risk management
- claims management
- quality management
- compliance
- data & security management
- Emergency Preparedness, Business Continuity Management
- Blackout precaution
We are also happy to provide support for the implementation of all topics on which we give advice!
Success Stories
ResultONE already has a proven track record of solving – sometimes very challenging – tasks together with customers and to their satisfaction. Below are some examples of tasks that have been completed successfully in brief outline, in some cases with a focus on solutions in specific areas. In agreement with our customers, we have decided not to provide any references or project names.
In many cases, Act2Perform© has made a crucial contribution to a successful solution!