Double Act2Perform© in detail
Double Act2Perform© is an extension of the cooperative approach: Double Act2Perform© combines the competence of the internal team and its insight with external expertise and an outside perspective.
The Act2Perform© approach involves the customer and ResultONE creating separate drafts, concepts, ideas etc. in a specified competitive situation. These are then compared and evaluated and the optimal combination is put together to form an overall outcome.
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The advantages of Double Act2Perform©: CEOs and CIOs gain an external perspective and can consolidate their decisions with this approach. CIOs also benefit from optimal preparation of their actions in relation to the company as a whole.
Double Act2Perform© really comes into its own in an environment in which clear agreements are made and observed regarding responsibilities, availabilities, timing, provisions, etc. and compliance with the “rules of the game”, such as availability of information and transparency, is ensured. Clear conditions for the interaction between the customer and ResultONE are essential for Double Act2Perform© to work effectively!