Success Story

Involvement in organizing and supporting outsourcing of various parts of IT units


  • Parts of IT intended for outsourcing (system development, infrastructure and operations, application operation, maintenance of defined systems, desktop services) have been decided on in principle. Targets, scope and term are largely clear, everyone is behind it
  • Actual implementation of the outsourcing, the structure and content of the necessary contracts, agreement of key execution details, design of the transition and the changes in the customer’s organization required for outsourcing are still unresolved

Contribution of ResultONE

  • Advice on contract design, term and price calculation, selection of partner, organization of transition
  • Support with defining the necessary regulations and details, e.g. service and support processes, roles and responsibilities, SLA and quality management, communication, coordination, decision-making and escalation structures, dealing with changes and change requests, accounting modes and performance incentives
  • Support for practical implementation, planning and management of the transition and transformation phase, development of service and delivery processes, resulting organizational changes and development of expertise in managing the partner


  • Successful conclusion of the contracts
  • Smooth processing of the respective transitions, new structures have been established and are working


Call us: +43 676 3456 340 or +43 676 3456 342.