IT operations – the secret treasure chest of IT

CIOs are being confronted with crisis-related cuts to their IT budgets. One potential element among many for shifting resources is to reduce excessive demands on IT operations. If they are smart, CIOs can use the crisis as an opportunity.

Image and perception of IT: CIOs as figureheads

CIOs and their image make a significant contribution to the perception of IT and its services. Wide communication and the use of social media also support recruitment of the “right” employees.

CIOs and how they behave in a crisis

In addition to successful crisis management, it is NOW important for CIOs to take steps that support an effective, long-term perspective even during the crisis and to use the crisis as an opportunity.

ResultONE provides crucial support in a crisis

The Covid-19 crisis is a trigger and driver of huge change. CIOs face massive challenges. But they can now use the momentum and take sustainable measures.