For many companies, “the roof is on fire” at the moment
Gradual easing of the measures to fight the pandemic is underway. Companies are working their way back to day-to-day operations. One of the main tasks lies in ensuring compliance with health regulations. Firms are battling with various organizational issues here, including social distancing and occupancy of workspaces. Many employees are still working entirely from home or are on short-time working.
In the course of the crisis, many IT units have demonstrated their efficiency: they have facilitated huge efforts such as rapid conversion of a large number of employees to working from home, IT support enabled new business processes to be set up quickly, even new product lines have been created and sold online. For many of these achievements, infrastructure had to be purchased quickly, systems extended and temporary solutions created. In the coming period, numerous IT organizations will therefore be focusing on doing their “homework” by taking measures to guarantee the effectiveness of these changes in the long term.
The Florian principle does not apply (any more)
As a result of the crisis, the market for many companies has collapsed. Many firms are only achieving a fraction of their sales and business figures. Economic researchers anticipate significant declines in almost all sectors. In view of the overall situation, the principle “Oh Holy Saint Florian, protect our house, burn someone else’s down!” applies only in isolated cases, if at all.
Currently many companies are (still) heavily preoccupied with themselves. They are devoting themselves to managing the situation, waiting for further developments and attempting to wait out the situation or, figuratively speaking, sticking their heads in the sand. Many firms are only continuing to do what they have always done and are trying to bring projects to an end to minimize costs, without exploring any new avenues.
The first businesses are announcing budget cuts in the double digit percentage range along with reductions in the workforce, while any external staff (and therefore their expertise) have already been shed – in advance of any anticipated cuts.
A large proportion are waiting for the end of the vacation period so that they can estimate the extent to which they have achieved the targets set.
Strategy work must be undertaken NOW!
As already explained in CIOs and how they behave in a crisis and IT as a competitive factor – the crisis as an opportunity, previous crises have shown that companies that just “sit out” the crisis by concentrating on managing it and making budget cuts fared less well than those companies that cut some resources but also invested in a targeted way and with due consideration. Targeted use of technology has created significant competitive advantages for the latter companies.
In view of the current situation, the time for effective strategy work, drawing up and analyzing scenarios, setting courses, etc. is NOW.
NOW is the time to throw anything superfluous overboard, to focus on what is really important, to drive forward with strategic topics and explore new avenues in preparation for the future.
Acting quickly but with due consideration is essential: speed in strategic development, conception and implementation helps to create competitive advantages, outpace other less agile firms and leave them behind you on the market.
Act2Perform© as the right tool
With Act2Perform© and Double Act2Perform©, ResultONE has the correct tools at the level of both the company as a whole and the IT organization. Act2Perform© helps companies and IT organizations to act smartly and establish or improve their fitness to take on future tasks.
Act2Perform©: the cooperative approach
On the basis of joint analysis, ResultONE and the company or the company’s IT department work out common scenarios, solutions and recommended actions.
Double Act2Perform©: the competitive approach
Double Act2Perform© is an extension of the cooperative approach: Double Act2Perform© combines the competence of the internal team and its insight with external expertise and an outside perspective. In a specified competitive situation, drafts, concepts, ideas etc. created separately by the company’s IT department and ResultONE are compared and evaluated, and the optimal combination is put together to form an overall outcome.
CEOs and CIOs gain an external perspective and consolidate their decisions with this approach, CIOs also benefit from optimal preparation of their actions in relation to the company as a whole.
Fitness and smart action: ResultONE provides the crucial support
For companies and IT organizations, this means, for example, pushing forward faster with existing digitization initiatives, exploring other digitization options, even introducing fundamental innovation and new approaches.
ResultONE supports both analysis of new opportunities and analysis of the introduction of new, creative, innovative approaches.
With the help of Act2Perform©, selected strategic approaches, project and activity portfolios and more recent integrated approaches, such as the introduction of two-speed IT, can be explored. At the same time, Act2Perform© ensures that the technical concepts and roadmaps selected fit with the future corporate strategy.
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