Success Story

Savings-as-a-Service (“SavaS”)

Problem (multiple clients)

  • Contracts with IT service providers are usually concluded for several years. Once the contracts have been concluded, however, they are rarely, if ever, checked to ensure that they are delivering value for money.
  • There is a multitude of – often extremely ambitious – internal and external service level agreements which are often significant drivers of work and costs.

Contribution of ResultONE

  • Regular checks of the existing outsourcing, maintenance and license agreements in terms of volumes, content, value for money, etc., benchmarking of contracts against current standard market costs structures as an option
  • Cyclical review of SLAs for appropriateness and demand, i.e. against the requirements of users and applications (ideal vs. reality)
  • Setup of programs and activities for regular analysis of contract landscapes, review of potential for optimization, identification and exploitation of possible savings.


  • Cyclical reviews (usually six-monthly or annual) and optimization of contracts and service levels lead to repeated savings


Call us: +43 676 3456 340 or +43 676 3456 342.